Tuesday, May 8, 2012

A Taste of Reality

The light at the end of the tunnel is visible!  We filled out more paperwork than we knew could exist, were  matched, we've spoken with the expectant mom, and we are just waiting for news of his impending arrival.  

Well, maybe not "just."  We've come up against a bit of a roadblock.  Everything about this match seemed perfect, including the finances -- despite a few major set backs, we had finally raised/saved pretty much the exact amount of money that this adoption was expected to cost.  Or so we thought.

Apparently, we misunderstood the amount of the retainer for the lawyer in Louisiana.  This misunderstanding means we need to come up with an additional $4,000 by May 22.

So in steps my approval idol once again.   No one likes people saying they need money.  They just don't.  My flesh screams, "don't post this!"  I almost had Scott write this whole post and say it was from him because I didn't want to be the one saying we were in a bind.

We stepped into this adoption process believing that we were being faithful to God's call to participate in his redemption through being adoptive parents.  We still believe in that call, and we further believe that God will direct our adoption story in a way that brings him the most glory, and us the most joy.  With that said, how awesome of a tribute to God would it be if, with the help of you and your circle of influence, we were able to raise $4,000 in two weeks?       

To date, we've been incredibly blessed with an outpouring of support (financially, emotionally, and spiritually) from our friends, family, and strangers.  Seeing God work to this point has encouraged us to continue with this match, in faith, trusting that this final $4,000 will come.  If it doesn't the agency will not let us continue with this match, something I can't bring myself to wrap my heart around.

Please don't feel like you have to help us out here.  We are putting this out there so that if you feel an urge to help, you know there is a need and way to do so.   God will bring us through this and he has ordained how this will all work out.  In that we rest.  In that we hope.  In that we trust. 

We are going about coming up with this money in every route possible.  We are looking into ways we could get a very quick loan (although our goal was to not go into debt with this adoption and we may not be able to get one quickly enough), hosting a garage sale a week from Saturday (which you can donate items to if you would like to help us that way), and  seeing if any additional last minute grants are available.

If you would like to help financially, you can do so here, and it will be tax deductible.  If you can't help financially, please pass our story on to others.  Regardless, and above all, please pray.

1 comment:

  1. I completely feel for you on this- we took out a loan and then still had to have family help us...It does help to get the tax credit/refund after but again, it is after....Have you also considered doing a fundraiser- I have heard of people adopting doing a coffee fundraiser where people buy coffee and part of the funds are donated towards the adoption...it might help a bit...you are all in my thoughts and prayers...
