Thursday, January 12, 2012

Where I Am

I'm sitting here enjoying a cup of chai tea and a couple of caramels.  WHAT?!?! You say.. what about this???

I know, I know.  But before you think I've totally fallen off the wagon, let me explain.

Here's how the sugar fast went:

  • Day 1: Awfulness.  I felt horrible and wanted to eat everything I saw that I wasn't supposed to be eating.
  • Day 2: Repeat Day 1
  • Day 3: Repeat Day 1
  • Day 4: Hmmm, I really want some sugar.  This sucks.
  • Day 5: Hmmm, I guess I can do this.
  • Day 6: Repeat Day 1
  • Day 7: Maybe this isn't soooo bad.
  • Day 8: I don't really like this, but whatever.
  • Day 9: I didn't really care.  Honestly, sugar didn't even really tempt me.
  • Day 10: I can do this all month, not a problem.
  • Day 11: I don't think I can do this anymore, but not because I don't want to.
That's my story.  I really wanted to finish this month out by the time I hit day 9.  For real.  Day 1-6 me would not have believed it either.

But here's the dealio (you are about to know more about my little breastfeeding journey than you may care to know).  I'm trying to build my supply up to tandem nurse Bella at the same time as our adopted baby whenever God graces our family with him/her.  This is A LOT of work.  It means I have to eat about 800 calories more than what I really need a day.  And take herbs.  And pump for about 20 minutes 5-6 times a day while my children destroy the house. 

By day 8 of this journey I had lost almost 5 lbs. and had zero appetite.  I was maybe a little hungry in the morning and at dinner time, but otherwise not at all.  I was force feeding myself.  My milk supply plummeted.  So if you want to drop weight and get better control of your snacking habit, try eating no sugar for a couple weeks and see what happens.  If you are trying to build a milk supply, eat everything in sight.  I just couldn't eat enough.  But, when I have a little sugar, my appetite goes crazy and I happily eat everything I can get my hands on.

So I'm back to eating whatever I feel like eating.  The only thing I'm still fasting from is Pepsi, which when it comes down to it, was a major part of my day pre-this fasting business. 

This was not a decision I entered into lightly.  It happened over a couple days of me doing some serious praying and soul-searching and feeling like God was telling me that I had accomplished what he wanted me to accomplish and now I needed to focus on feeding my babies.  Will do, Lord.

On a super-positive note, the purging of excess is going be-a-utifully.  I have gotten rid of...wait for it...over 500 items!!!  Crazy talk!  And I haven't hardly touched the basement yet which is where a lot of the purging will happen.  Add to this that before we moved I purged a bunch of stuff because I didn't want to pack it, and we are getting much closer to a minimalist life.  My kitchen cupboards aren't stuffed anymore.  The spice drawer is neat and orderly.  Craft supplies and fabric are not exploding from bins.  It feels soooo good. 

Scott and I are still plugging through our study and haven't taken a night off from it yet.  It's so good for our marriage and my soul to have that intentional time with him right now while he's working upwards of 12 hours a day some days. 

Thanks for all the love and support.  Now if you are still delaying... make some goals already!


  1. I would love to know more about your protocol for increasing milk supply - specifically what herbs you take. I am in the exact same situation as you. My daughter is 15 months now so my supply is far from where I need it to be for a newborn, let alone tandem-nursing. Do you pump at night?

  2. Right now I am taking More Milk Plus from Motherlove herbs and pumping 5-6 times a day. I plan to start domperidone in the future if this doesn't increase my supply enough.

  3. I think that is what I just ordered as well. I am also taking fenugreek. I just started pumping and get next to nothing when I pump. :( I knew my supply was way done but I didn't know it had gone so far down! My little girl feeds pretty well in the morning and at night and otherwise just snacks. My email is if you want to compare notes.

  4. I would love to chat about the domperidone. I am a little scared of it!
