Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Evelyn Starts School

I have agonized about school for Evelyn.  Sometimes on here, but mostly just in my own head.  What Scott and I wanted above all, was what was best for her and feasible for the rest of the family.  Having Celiac disease added an extra layer of difficulty to the decision.

After much discussion and research, we finally decided to send her to a small, local private school (Whitefield Academy) instead of the original plan to homeschool.  It was a HARD decision.  But at the end of the day, we decided it was an environment that would allow her to flourish and that homeschooling wasn't the best option for me.  

And let me tell you, one week in, it's one of the best decisions we've ever made for her and our family.  

She adores her school.  She excitedly gets dressed in her uniform each morning, runs into the building, and has a giant smile on her face every day when I go to pick her up.  The highly structured environment with lots of stimulation and activity is the perfect fit for her.  Seeing her do so well makes me laugh at how stressed I was about the whole thing.  

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