Monday, July 29, 2013

Abraham - 13 Months

13 months old hardly seems like a blog-worthy milestone, but Abraham has been changing so much lately I don't what to forget to document what he's been up to lately.

He's definitely turning the corner from baby to toddler.  He's dropping down to just one nap a day, eating a lot more food, and taking fewer bottles.  His favorite foods are broccoli, fish, grapes, blueberries, and coconut yogurt.

This kid is ACTIVE.  He is crawling everywhere at lightning speed, climbing onto things, getting himself stuck lots of places, and he's started standing independently (and is very proud of it).

As long as he's pushing or hanging on to something, he can walk himself all over the house.  He loves to go under the table and push all the chairs out as far as possible by practicing his walking skills.

 His favorite things to do include playing with Duplos, banging on things as loud as humanly possible, and playing with Evelyn.

A simple trip to the library with Abraham includes chasing him between all the rows of books, returning books to the shelves that he repeatedly pulls down, getting him down off of the shelves, and finding him hiding underneath the computer stations.

When doing something he KNOWS he isn't supposed to, he is often heard muttering to himself, "no, no, no, no."  His favorite naughty activities include removing register vent covers, dropping things down the registers, finding cups of water to dump out on the floor, and emptying kitchen cupboards.

He will happily take a bath anytime of day and has learned how to make every surface in the bathroom soaking wet.  Drinking bath water is also a fun hobby.

He's getting more and more vocal, and while most of his noises are just babbling or screaming, he's added "uh-oh" to his vocabulary and uses at times when he does something he shouldn't or when he falls over.

Thankfully, he's also been continuing to grow at a good rate.  He's now up to 19 lbs. 9 oz. which still keeps him just above the 10th percentile where his doctors would like him to stay!  Keep growing little man!

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